Complementary opposites

Fulvio Leoncini and Michele Omiccioli's "crazy dialogues"

Entitled “Complementary Opposites. Crazy Dialogues” the double solo exhibition of Fulvio Leoncini and Michele Omiccioli scheduled in Fermignano from May 25 to June 16, 2024 at Sala Bramante.

The event, curated by Emanuela Ivaldi and organized in collaboration with Sayato Art Boutique, is sponsored by theEvents Department of the City of Fermignano and is among the events in the official program of Pesaro2024 Capital of Culture.

“In a chance encounter, two artists cross paths, attracted by a common energy that leads them to embark on a shared journey. They explore the depths of being human, traversing the labyrinth of emotions and experiences. Each brushstroke becomes a silent cry, an intense dialogue that unravels between forms and signs, carrying with it the nuances of the soul. In the subtle and sometimes invisible boundary between genius and madness, Fulvio Leoncini and Michele Omiccioli converse and find a home there” (E. Ivaldi).

The exhibition can be visited Friday and Saturday – from 4:30 to 7 p.m. – and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Any openings by appointment can be arranged by calling 328-466-8301.
Admission is free.

Vernissage Saturday, May 25 at 5:30 p.m.


Fulvio Leoncini was born in Empoli (FI) in 1960, but lives and works in Santa Croce sull´Arno (Pisa).
A graduate of the State Art Institute of Cascina (Pisa), he began his exhibition activity in 1978.
In 1998 he resumed the study of engraving techniques and participated in the activities of the Villa Pacchiani Engraving Workshop.
In 2000 he was among the founders of the Company of Free Engravers and Various Humanities in Santa Croce sull’Arno.
In 2003 he was included in the multimedia project Terre del Rinascimento, curated by Silvia Bottinelli for the Museo Leonardiano in Vinci.
He has participated in more than 40 individual and group exhibitions, earning numerous critical awards.
Always fascinated by the human being, which he has constantly investigated in his creative journey, he makes works that should be admired with the heart, rather than with the eyes and brain, to be ravished without (necessarily) understanding.


Michele Omiccioli was born in Fano in 1981.
A classical high school graduate in 2000, he graduated in Modern Literature in 2005 with a thesis on the novel ‘Corporale’ by Paolo Volponi.
The will to paint was born of itself in the existential marasmus of a life. After a year of engineering, the electrocution in the footsteps of J. M. Basquiat. Important satisfactions followed from 2002 to 2007, with a major exhibition that very year at Nuremberg City Hall (March 2007). Passion equals commitment, effort after effort, result after result, to arrive at today, a harbinger of new and unexpected perspectives.